Highlights sustainability

CEO statement on sustainability
Reliable technology behind the wall has been joined by elegant solutions in front of it. We therefore have an even greater leverage when it comes to sustainability. Learn more

Sustainability strategy
Geberit’s sustainability strategy has been in place for over ten years. It covers all relevant areas of the company and shows in a transparent manner which goals are being pursued and what has already been achieved. Learn more

Water still an important topic
Geberit will continue to do everything possible to develop water-saving products, ensure clean drinking water and use manufacturing processes that conserve this precious resource. Learn more

Global challenges accepted
Geberit makes a significant contribution to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. "Clean Water and Sanitation" remains at the top of the agenda here. The topics "Decent Work and Economic Growth", "Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure" and "Sustainable Cities and Communities" represent further areas of focus. Learn more

CO2 strategy
Geberit reduces CO2 emissions consistently and in line with its CO2 strategy, which has been in force since 2006. The strategy focuses on three core aspects here, namely energy savings, higher energy efficiency and the selective purchasing of renewable energy sources. Learn more

Materiality analysis
Material to Geberit are those topics that are deemed such by both internal and external reference groups. In terms of ecology, for example, this includes resource-saving products. When it comes to employees, the topic of occupational health and safety is material. The materiality analysis reveals all. Learn more