Financial report > Financial statements Geberit AG
Notes to the Financial Statements
1.1 Guarantees, assets pledged in favor of third parties
1.2 Significant investments
1.3 Share capital
1.4 Capital contribution reserves
1.5 Treasury shares
1.6 Remuneration, loans and shareholdings of members of the board of directors and of the group executive board
1.7 Significant shareholders
1.8 Risk management
1.9 Additional information
2. Other Disclosures required by the law
Proposal for the Appropriation of Available Earnings
Proposal by the Board of Directors to the General Meeting:
Appropriation available earnings
2013 2012 CHF CHF Available earnings Net income 400,539,406 299,990,789 Balance brought forward 8,041,491 1,684,725 Withdrawal from legal capital contribution reserves 0 105,835,596 Total available earnings 408,580,897 407,511,110 Transfer to free reserves 110,000,000 150,000,000 Paid distribution out of capital contribution reserves 0 105,835,596 Proposed/paid dividend 283,488,203 143,634,023 Balance to be carried forward 15,092,694 8,041,491 Total appropriation of available earnings 408,580,897 407,511,110 Distribution of capital contribution / dividend payments
The Board of Directors proposes a dividend of CHF 7.50 per share. In the previous year, a redemption of capital contribution of CHF 2.80 per share and a dividend of CHF 3.80 was paid out. The dividend payment is subject to withholding tax.
The number of shares with dividend rights will change if the number of shares held by Geberit AG changes. The Board of Directors may adapt the total amount of the proposed dividend to the number of shares with dividend rights at the General Meeting.