Financial report  >  Financial statements Geberit AG

Notes to the Financial Statements

  1. 1.1 Guarantees, assets pledged in favor of third parties

  2. 1.2 Significant investments

    in %
    capital stock
    in %
    capital stock
    Geberit Holding AG, Rapperswil-Jona 100   TCHF 39 350 100   TCHF 39 350
    Geberit Finance Ltd., Jersey1 82   TEUR 497 82   TEUR 522
    Geberit Reinsurance Ltd., Guernsey 100 TEUR 2 100 TEUR 2

    1 The remaining 18.5% (PY 17.6%) are hold by Geberit Companies.

  3. 1.3 Share capital

  4. 1.4 Capital contribution reserves

  5. 1.5 Treasury shares

  6. 1.6 Remuneration, loans and shareholdings of members of the board of directors and of the group executive board

  7. 1.7 Significant shareholders

  8. 1.8 Risk management

  9. 1.9 Additional information

  10. 2. Other Disclosures required by the law