Financial report > Financial statements Geberit AG
Notes to the Financial Statements
1.1 Guarantees, assets pledged in favor of third parties
1.2 Significant investments
1.3 Share capital
1.4 Capital contribution reserves
1.5 Treasury shares
Treasury shares held by Geberit AG or by companies in which Geberit AG holds a majority interest:
Number of registered shares High Average Low in CHF in CHF in CHF Balance at December 31, 2012 1,235,345 Cancellation share buyback program 2012 -1,022,578 Other Purchases 124,789 269.51 237.57 217.76 Sales -125,174 272.00 228.40 205.80 Balance at December 31, 2013 212,382 Number of treasury shares held by Geberit AG 0 The Board of Directors of Geberit AG decided to initiate a share buyback program for the years 2011 and 2012 and determined a maximum repurchasing volume of 5% of the share capital, in total 2,048,578 shares. The repurchased shares from 2011 were cancelled in 2012 with the decision from the General Meeting on April 4, 2012. The remaining 1,022,578 shares were repurchased in 2012. The General Meeting dated April 4, 2013 decided to reduce the capital by the volume of the shares repurchased. Therefore as at June 2013, these 1,022,578 shares were cancelled as well.
The legal reserves for treasury shares were recorded at cost.
1.6 Remuneration, loans and shareholdings of members of the board of directors and of the group executive board
1.7 Significant shareholders
1.8 Risk management
1.9 Additional information
2. Other Disclosures required by the law