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Functions in the online Annual Report 2013
The interactive Annual Report of Geberit International AG offers several functions which we would like to describe here. Our goal is to exploit all possibilities that have been developed for online-presentations in order to enhance your ability to read and work with this report.
- General Information
- Quick Finder
- Search
- History
- My Annual Report
- Highlighting
- Quick Analyser
- Download Center
- Excel Download
- Recommend
General Information
Browser selection and screen resolution
The best display for this website is achieved with the current versions of Microsoft Internet Exploreror with Mozilla Firefox. Your browser should also be equipped with the current updates and service packs. The site of the online report is optimized for a screen resolution of 1024x768px or higher.
Pop-up blockers
Activated pop-up blockers could prevent a new window from being opened under certain conditions. In this case, press the control key on your keyboard to follow a link that opens a new window.
Hyperlinks to third-party websites
You can exit this website by clicking on certain hyperlinks in the report. The contents, layout and any changes to the websites linked in this way are not within the control or influence of Geberit International AG. Geberit International AG shall therefore not be liable for the contents of an external website to which it refers on a purely general basis on its own website; nor shall Geberit International AG be responsible for links to other websites contained on such external websites.
The Quick Finder provides you with a short list of sections which you can access directly.
In the full text search, the search engine examines all of the words in your annual report and matches the word supplied by you. As you type the term proposals will be displayed. After selection the results will be shown on the next page ranked by relevance.
The last five pages which you viewed in the online Annual Report are shown here. In this way you can easily return to one of the pages.
My Annual Report:
The function "Save page" can be found at the right side of each page of the online report. This enables you to mark the page for later use. In the Download Center you can download these pages as a PDF document. In this way, you can create your own, individualised offline Annual Report.
This online report provides exclusively HTML tables. A highlighter facilitates your reading of the tables. When you move the mouse over a line, the line will be visually highlighted.
Quick Analyser:
The Quick Analyser enables you to compare and analyse key figures. First choose a category, the items and years you want to compare. You can view the development of the figure over the past years in a table format, a bar or a line chart. You can save your selected figures as a excel file or picture.
Download Center:
In the Download Center you can download as PDF file the entire report, also subdivided in the chapters and Excel files with tables. Using our download collection you can collect files and download them in one zip file.
Excel Download:
Selected tables of this report are provided for download as Excel files as well. You will find the downloadable tables close to the according HTML table in and in the Download Center.
To send the direct link to a specific page to a friend please click "recommend". You also can add a personal text.
You may find that you may want to print pages from the site for future references. Selecting the "Print" button from your browser or the "Print" button in the tool box on the right side would allow you to do this.