GRI Content Index

GRI Standard/ DisclosureTitle
GRI 101: 2016Foundation
GRI 102: 2016General Disclosures
Organisational profile
GRI 102-1Name of the organisation
GRI 102-2Activities, brands, products and services
GRI 102-3Location of headquarters
GRI 102-4Location of operations
GRI 102-5Ownership and legal form
GRI 102-6Markets served
GRI 102-7Scale of the organisation
GRI 102-8Composition of the workforce
GRI 102-9Supply chain
GRI 102-10Structural changes
GRI 102-11Consideration of the precautionary approach
GRI 102-12External initiatives
GRI 102-13Memership of associations
Strategy and analysis
GRI 102-14CEO statement on sustainability
GRI 102-15Key impacts, risks and opportunities
Ethics and integrity
GRI 102-16Values, directives, standards and codes of conduct
GRI 102-17Ethical advice and concerns
GRI 102-18Governance structure
GRI 102-19Delegation of authority on economic, environmental and social matters
GRI 102-20Responsibility for economic, environmental and social matters
GRI 102-21Consultation process between stakeholders and the board
GRI 102-22Composition of the highest governance body and ist committees
GRI 102-23Seperation of chair of bard of directors and executive management
GRI 102-24Nomination and selection process of the board of directors
GRI 102-25Processes in place for the board of directors to avoid conflicts of interest
GRI 102-26Role of the top managemente and board of directors in development of guiding principles and strategies
GRI 102-27Enhancement of the top management and board of directors related know-how on economic, environmental and social issues
GRI 102-28Processes for evaluation of the sustainability performance of the board of directors
GRI 102-29Board level procedures for overseeing sustainability performance
GRI 102-30Effectiveness of the risk management process
GRI 102-31Frequency of review of impacts, risks and chances in the area of sustainability
GRI 102-32Review and approval of sustainability reporting
GRI 102-33Procedures for communicating critical concerns to the board
GRI 102-34Nature and total number of critical concerns communicated to the board
GRI 102-35Remuneration policies for highest governance bodies
GRI 102-36Processes for determining remuneration
GRI 102-37Stakehoders' involvement in decisions regarding remuneration
GRI 102-38Ratio of annual remuneration paid
GRI 102-39Ratio of percentage increase in annual remuneration paid
Stakehoder engagement
GRI 102-40Relevant stakeholder groups
GRI 102-41Collective bargaining agreements
GRI 102-42Identification and selection of stakeholders
GRI 102-43Approaches to stakeholder engagement
GRI 102-44Response to and dealing with key topics and concerns of stakeholders
Reporting practice
GRI 102-45Basis of consolidation
GRI 102-46Report content and topic boundaries
GRI 102-47List of material topics
GRI 102-48Restatements of information
GRI 102-49Changes in reporting
GRI 102-50Reporting period
GRI 102-51Date of most recent report
GRI 102-52Reporting cycle
GRI 102-53Contact point for questions regarding the report
GRI 102-54Compliance with GRI Standards
GRI 102-55GRI content index
GRI 102-56External assurance
GRI 401: 2016Employment
GRI 103: 2016 103-1/103-2/103-3Management approach
401-1Employee fluctuation
401-2Benefits provided to full-time employees
401-3Parental leave
GRI 403: 2018Occupational health and safety
GRI 103: 2016 103-1/103-2/103-3Management approach
403-1Occupational health and safety management system
403-2Hazard identification, risk assessment, and incident investigation
403-3Occupational health services
403-4Worker participation, consultation, and communication on occupational health and safety
403-5Worker training on occupational health and safety
403-6Promotion of worker health
403-7Prevention and mitigation of occupational health and safety impacts directly linked by business relationships
403-8Workers covered by an occupational health and safety management system
403-9Work-related injuries
403-10Work-related illness
GRI 404: 2016Training and education
GRI 103: 2016 103-1/103-2/103-3Management approach
404-1Scope of training and education
404-2Programmes for skills management and lifelong learning
404-3Performance evaluation and career planning
GRI 405: 2016Diversity and equal opportunity
GRI 103: 2016 103-1/103-2/103-3Managment approach
405-1Diversity of goveranance bodies and employees
405-2Ration of remuneration between women and men
GRI 406: 2016Non-discrimination
GRI 103: 2016 103-1/103-2/103-3Management approach
406-1Cases of discrimination
GRI 407: 2016Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining
GRI 103: 2016 103-1/103-2/103-3Management approach
407-1Non-compliance with the right of freedom of association and collective bargaining
GRI 205: 2016Anti-corruption
GRI 103: 2016 103-1/103-2/103-3Management approach
205-1Operations subjected to reviews on the risk of corruption
205-2Communication and training on anti-corruption
205-3Incidents of corruption
GRI 206: 2016Anti-competitive behaviour
GRI 103: 2016 103-1/103-2/103-3Management approach
206-1Legal proceedings due to the anti-competitive behaviour
GRI 202: 2016Market Presence
GRI 103: 2016 103-1/103-2/103-3Management approach
202-1Ration of standard entry level wage compared to tlocal minimum wage
202-2Procedures for local hiring of management
GRI 203: 2016Indirect economic impacts
GRI 103: 2016 103-1/103-2/103-3Management approach
203-1Infrastructure investments and services supported
203-2Significant indirect economic impacts
GRI 408: 2016Child labour
GRI 103: 2016 103-1/103-2/103-3Management approach
408-1Cases of child labour
GRI 409: 2016Forced or compulsory labour
GRI 103: 2016 103-1/103-2/103-3Management approach
409-1Cases of forced or compulsory labour
GRI 412: 2016Human rights assessment
GRI 103: 2016 103-1/103-2/103-3Management approach
412-1Assessment of operations regarding human rights risks
412-2Employee training on human rights
412-3Human rights criterial in investments and contract agreements
Social responsibility
GRI 103: 2016 103-1/103-2/103-3Management approach
GRI 301: 2016Materials
GRI 103: 2016 103-1/103-2/103-3Management approach
301-1Materials used
301-2Percentage of recylced material
301-3Reuse of products and packaging materials
GRI 302: 2016Energy
GRI 103: 2016 103-1/103-2/103-3Management approach
302-1Energy consumption within the organisation
302-2Energy consumption outside of the organisation
302-3Energy intensity
302-4Energy saved
302-5Reductions in energy requirements of products and services
GRI 303: 2018Water and effluents
GRI 103: 2016 103-1/103-2/103-3Management approach
303-1Water withdrawal and water consumption
303-2Handling of waste water
303-3Handling and use of water
303-4Waste water
303-5Handling and use of water
GRI 305: 2016Emissions
GRI 103: 2016 103-1/103-2/103-3Management approach
305-1Direct greenhouse gas emissions (Scope 1)
305-2Indirect, energy-related greenhouse emissions (Scope 2)
305-3Other indirect greenhouose gas emissions (Scope 3)
305-4Intensity of greenhouse gas emissions
305-5Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions
305-6Emissions of ozone-depleting substances
305-7Nitrogen oxides (NOX), sulphur oxides (SOX) and other air emissions
GRI 306: 2016Waste water and waste
GRI 103: 2016 103-1/103-2/103-3Mangement approach
306-1Discharge of waste water
306-2Volume of waste
306-3Spills of hazardous substances
306-4Transport of hazardous waste
306-5Water bodies affected by waste water discharges
GRI 307: 2016Environmental compliance
GRI 103: 2016 103-1/103-2/103-3Management approach
307-1Sanctions due to non-compliance with environmental laws and regulations
Product management and innovation
GRI 103: 2016 103-1/103-2/103-3Management approach
GRI 103: 2016 103-1/103-2/103-3Management approach
Product compliance
GRI 103: 2016 103-1/103-2/103-3Management approach
Sanctions due to non-compliance with product liability regulations
GRI 308: 2016Supplier environmental assessment
GRI 103: 2016 103-1/103-2/103-3Management approach
308-1Assessment of new suppliers based on sustainability criteria
308-2Sustainability-related impacts in the supply chain
GRI 414: 2016Supplier social assessment
GRI 103: 2016 103-1/103-2/103-3Management approach
414-1Assessment of new suppliers based on sustainability criteria
414-2Sustainability-related impacts in the supply chain
GRI 103: 2016 103-1/103-2/103-3Management approach
GRI 103: 2016 103-1/103-2/103-3Management approach
GRI 201: 2016Economic performance
GRI 103: 2016 103-1/103-2/103-3Management approach
201-1Value added and ist distributions
201-2Opportunities and risks due to climate change
201-3Benefit plan obligations
201-4Financial assistance received from government
GRI 419: 2016Socioeconomic compliance
GRI 103: 2016 103-1/103-2/103-3Management approach
419-1Sanctions due to non-compliance
Customer relations
GRI 103: 2016 103-1/103-2/103-3Management approach
GRI 416: 2016Customer health and safety
GRI 103: 2016 103-1/103-2/103-3Management approach
416-1Conducted health and safety assessments
416-2Non-compliance with health and safety requirements
GRI 417: 2016Marketing and labelling
GRI 103: 2016 103-1/103-2/103-3Management approach
417-1Requirementess for product information and labelling
417-2Non-compliance with product informatiaon and labelling requirements
417-3Non-compliance with marketing communications requirements
Digitalisation / BIM
GRI 103: 2016 103-1/103-2/103-3Management approach
GRI 418: 2016Customer privacy
GRI 103: 2016 103-1/103-2/103-3Management approach
418-1Compliance concerning violations of customer data privacy


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