Key figures environment

Environmental impact

  2020 2019 Deviation
Environmental impact UBP UBP %
Electricity 84,586 93,736 -9.8
Combustibles 88,711 93,641 -5.3
Fuels 12,601 16,280 -22.6
Disposal 3,539 4,312 -17.9
Solvents 1,064 1,214 -12.3
Water and waste water 2,271 2,531 -10.3
Total environmental impact 192,772 211,714 -8.9
UBP = Ecopoints in million UBP in accordance with the Swiss Ecological Scarcity Method (version 2013)

Material usage

  2020 2019 Deviation
Material usage Tonnes Tonnes %
Raw material plastics 72,430 75,889 -4.6
Raw material metal 68,443 68,349 0.1
Raw material mineral 159,033 170,647 -6.8
Other raw materials 2,592 2,759 -6.1
Semi-finished products 58,957 52,431 12.4
Finished products 47,406 49,638 -4.5
Total material usage 408,861 419,713 -2.6

Energy consumption

Energy consumption Unit 2020 2019 %
Electricity GWh 215.7 222.3 -2.9
District heating GWh 13.8 14.9 -7.1
Natural gas m3 38,876,794 40,817,278 -4.8
Biogas m3 888,535 878,974 1.1
Liquified petroleum gas (LPG) Tonnes 5,310.5 5,747.4 -7.6
Diesel for electricity generation l 8,456 19,375 -56.4
Heating oil extra light Tonnes 26.4 5.1 421.7
Gasoline l 199,205 249,292 -20.1
Diesel l 1,956,398 2,536,977 -22.9
Liquified petroleum gas (LPG) kg 119,905 141,646 -15.3
Natural gas (CNG) kg 0 3,281 -100.0
  2020 2019 Deviation
Energy consumption TJ TJ %
Electricity 776.6 800.2 -2.9
District heating 49.8 53.5 -7.1
Combustibles 1,694.7 1,784.8 -5.0
Natural gas 1,415.1 1,485.8 -4.8
Biogas 32.3 32.0 1.1
Liquified petroleum gas (LPG) 245.9 266.1 -7.6
Diesel for electricity generation 0.3 0.7 -56.4
Heating oil extra light 1.1 0.2 421.7
Fuels (gasoline, diesel, LPG, CNG) 82.1 105.7 -22.3
Total energy consumption 2,603.2 2,744.2 -5.1

Electricity mix

    Renewable Fossil Nuclear Others
Electricity mix 2020 GWh % % % %
Europe 135.5 22.2 58.3 18.2 1.3
USA 6.3 9.6 70.3 19.4 0.7
China 4.8 19.1 78.8 2.1 0.0
India 1.5 16.4 81.8 1.8 0.0
Green electricity 67.6 100.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Total electricity mix 215.7 46.1 41.0 12.1 0.8
    Renewable Fossil Nuclear Others
Electricity mix 2019 GWh % % % %
Europe 155.3 25.0 53.8 19.8 1.4
USA 6.9 9.6 70.3 19.4 0.7
China 5.6 19.1 78.8 2.1 0.0
India 1.8 16.4 81.8 1.8 0.0
Green electricity 52.7 100.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Total electricity mix 222.3 42.1 42.4 14.5 1.0

Water and waste water

  2020 2019 Deviation
Water m3 m3 %
Drinking water 363,599 376,430 -3.4
Well water 387,188 414,902 -6.7
River and lake water 195,560 238,037 -17.8
Rain water 6,937 7,578 -8.5
Total water 953,284 1,036,947 -8.1
  2020 2019 Deviation
Waste water m3 m3 %
Domestic waste water 207,108 223,404 -8.8
Process water ceramic 485,460 558,128 -13.0
Other waste water 17,175 18,107 -5.1
Total waste water 709,743 799,639 -11.2


  2020 2019 Deviation
CO2 emissions Tonnes Tonnes %
from combustibles (Scope 1) 101,094 106,609 -5.2
from fuels (Scope 1) 6,065 7,807 -22.3
from process emissions (Scope 1) 244 608 -59.9
from electricity (Scope 2) 98,825 107,160 -7.8
from district heating (Scope 2) 325 455 -28.6
Total CO2 emissions 206,553 222,639 -7.2
Calculation of CO2 emissions according to IPCC 2013
    2020 2019 Deviation
Air emissions   kg kg %
NOx direct 47,737 51,686 -7.6
  indirect 130,304 147,915 -11.9
  Total NOx 178,041 199,601 -10.8
SO2 direct 1,319 1,366 -3.4
  indirect 250,278 286,047 -12.5
  Total SO2 251,597 287,413 -12.5
NMVOC direct 75,138 74,797 0.5
  indirect 16,896 19,059 -11.4
  Total NMVOC 92,034 93,856 -1.9
Dust (PM10) direct 371 435 -14.8
  indirect 27,342 30,916 -11.6
  Total dust 27,713 31,351 -11.6
CFC11 equivalents direct 0.3 0.7 -62.4
  indirect 7.6 8.8 -12.5
  Total CFC11 equivalents 7.9 9.5 -16.7
Calculation based on Ecoinvent data version 3.1


  2020 2019 Deviation
Waste Tonnes Tonnes %
to incineration 1,122 1,308 -14.2
to inert waste landfill 10,216 13,580 -24.8
to mixed waste landfill 917 971 -5.6
to external recycling 60,451 62,717 -3.6
to hazardous waste incineration 742 957 -22.5
to hazardous waste recycling 521 516 0.9
Total waste 73,969 80,049 -7.6


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