Highlights sustainability

An eye on Sustainability
CEO statement on sustainability
“In what has been a year like no other, we found the right balance between short-term crisis management and long-term thought and action in 2020.” Learn more
Intelligent water management
Geberit makes a contribution to the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and supports the economical and careful use of water along the entire value chain. In 2020 alone, over 3,350 million m3 of water was saved through the use of water-saving flushing systems from Geberit. Learn more
Sustainability strategy
Each module in Geberit’s sustainability strategy contains clear responsibilities with measurable objectives, derived measures and quantifiable key figures for effective monitoring. Learn more
Eco-efficiency target far exceeded
Since the integration of the energy-intensive ceramics production in 2015, eco-efficiency – the environmental impact in relation to currency-adjusted net sales – has improved by
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Consistent reduction of CO2 emissions
Since the integration of the energy-intensive ceramics production in 2015, CO2 emissions in relation to net sales have fallen by
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Geberit focuses on eco-design
For over ten years, Geberit has followed the principle that each new product must be better than its predecessor from an ecological perspective in order to save natural resources. For example, significant material savings were achieved as part of the development of the CleanLine shower channel. 85% less stainless steel is now required per shower channel. Furthermore, it was also possible to significantly reduce the amount of packaging material. Compared to the predecessor model, these measures led to a significant annual reduction in CO2 emissions of around 7,300 tonnes in total. Learn more
A commitment to the circular economy
Among other aspects, Geberit products are characterised by the use of high-quality materials and a service life spanning several decades. The products are usually backwards-compatible and can be cleaned, maintained and repaired easily. A significant proportion of the product range has a guaranteed spare parts availability of up to 25 years. Bought-in recycled plastics also play an increasing role in closing material cycles. For example, a total of 940 tonnes of regranulated ABS (acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene) was used in fill and flush valve production in 2020. Learn more
Careful use of plastics
Geberit ensures that plastic granules used in production do not pollute the environment. In 2020, Geberit joined Operation Clean Sweep (OCS). OCS is an international initiative promoted by the plastics industry dedicated to preventing the loss of plastic granules, flakes and powder and ensuring that these materials do not pollute the environment. Learn more