Notes to the Financial Statements

1. Standards

1.1 General

The financial statements were prepared in accordance with the provisions on commercial accounting of the Swiss Code of Obligations. The significant valuation principles, which are not statutory, are described below.

1.2 Treasury shares

The treasury shares are recorded at cost and are shown as a minus position in equity. For the shares of Geberit AG, held by the subsidiary Geberit Holding AG reserves for own shares are recorded in the equity of Geberit AG.

1.3 Interest-bearing liabilities

The interest-bearing liabilities are stated at their nominal value. Costs incurred in the context of the placement of bonds are capitalized in the prepaid expenses and amortized linearly over the term of the bond.

1.4 Derivatives

Derivative instruments used for hedging purposes are valued together with the underlying transaction. Positive or negative fair market values will not be recognized during the lifetime of the contract but at settlement date.

1.5 Waiver of cash flow statement and additional information in the notes

As the Geberit group prepares a consolidated financial statement in accordance with a recognized standard for financial reporting (IFRS), Geberit AG waived in present financial statements, in accordance with the statutory provisions, to present separate notes to interest-bearing liabilities and auditing fees and the presentation of a cash flow statement.

2. Other statutory disclosures

3. Profit distribution


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