Financial report > Consolidated financial statements Geberit Group
Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
1. Basic information and principles of the report
2. Changes in Group organization
3. Summary of significant accounting
New or revised IFRS standards and interpretations 2013 and their adoption by the Group Standard/Interpretation Enactment Relevance for Geberit Introduction IFRS 7 - Financial Instruments: Disclosures 1.1.2013 Disclosure in connection with the offsetting of financial assets and financial liabilities. This amendment has no material impact on the consolidated financial statements. 1.1.2013 IFRS 10 - Consolidated Financial Statements 1.1.2013 This standard replaces the guidance on control and consolidation in IAS 27 and SIC-12. A consistent definition of control is introduced. This amendment has no impact on the consolidated financial statements. 1.1.2013 IFRS 11 - Joint Arrangements 1.1.2013 Replaces IAS 31 Joint Ventures and SIC 13. The proportionate consolidation has been eliminated. This amendment has no impact on the consolidated financial statements. 1.1.2013 IFRS 12 - Disclosure of Interests in Other Entities 1.1.2013 Enhancement of required disclosures for subsidiaries, joint arrangements and unconsolidated entities. This amendment has no impact on the consolidated financial statements. 1.1.2013 IFRS 13 - Fair Value Measurement 1.1.2013 Overall standard to measure and disclose assets and liabilities at fair value. This standard does not include rules where the fair value has to be used. Fair value is the price that would be received to sell an asset or paid to transfer a liability in an orderly transaction between market participants at the measurement date. This value is disclosed accordingly (Level 1–3). This amendment has no material impact on the consolidated financial statements. 1.1.2013 IAS 1 – Presentation of Financial Statements 1.7.2012 This amendment requires entities to separate items presented in other comprehensive income into two groups, based on whether they may be recycled to profit or loss in the future. This amendment has no material impact on the consolidated financial statements. 1.1.2013 IAS 19 - Employee Benefits incl.
amendment of IAS 191.1.2013 and 1.7.2014 for amendment of IAS 19 1) The optional corridor approach was eliminated. As the Geberit Group already recognized actuarial gains and losses in other comprehensive income, this amendment had no impact on the consolidated financial statements.
2) The net periodic pension cost now comprises the net interest cost or income, measured on the basis of the funded status of the plan by applying the discount rate for the defined benefit obligation (impact on the consolidated financial statements see → Note 1).
3) New principle-based disclosure requirements are introduced to enable a wide evaluation of the (risk) management of pension plans. The Notes were expanded to account for this adjustment.
Risk sharing: the risk sharing was not implemented due to immaterial amounts. The amendment of IAS 19 was early adopted to take the option to go on with the present calculation method (without risk sharing).1.1.2013 1 IAS 36 - Impairment of Assets 1.1.2014 Clarification of disclosures required regarding recoverable amount for non-financial assets. This amendment has no material impact on the consolidated financial statements. 1.1.2013 1 Annual improvements
of IFRS and inter-
pretations (IFRIC)various The ordinary yearly clarifications and minor amendments of various standards and interpretations have no material impact on the consolidated financial statements. various 1 This standard was early adopted by the Geberit Group.
New or revised IFRS standards and interpretations as from 2014 and their adoption by the Group Standard/Interpretation Enactment Relevance for Geberit Planned adoption IFRS 9 - Financial Instruments open The first parts of this new standard, which replaces IAS 39, was originally issued in November 2009, reissued in October 2010, and then amended in November 2013. The current version of IFRS 9 does not include a mandatory effective date. An effective date will be added when all phases of the project are complete and a final version of IFRS 9 is issued. The Geberit Group will assess the impacts on the consolidated financial statements based on the final version. open IFRS 10 - Consolidated Financial Statements; IFRS 11 - Joint Arrangements; IAS 27 - Consolidated and Separate Financial Statement 1.1.2014 Amendments related to investment companies. This amendment has no impact on the consolidated financial statements. 1.1.2014 IAS 32 - Financial Instruments: Presentation 1.1.2014 Clarification related to the offsetting of financial assets and financial liabilities . This amendment has no material impact on the consolidated financial statements. 1.1.2014 IAS 39 - Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement 1.1.2014 Clarification that there is no need to discontinue hedge accounting if a hedging derivative is novated. This amendment has no impact on the consolidated financial statements. 1.1.2014 Annual improvements of IFRS and interpretations (IFRIC) various The ordinary yearly clarifications and minor amendments of various standards and interpretations have no material impact on the consolidated financial statements. various The Geberit Group does not plan any further early adoption of any standard or interpretation (IFRIC).
Foreign currency translation
The functional currencies of the Group’s subsidiaries are generally the currencies of the local jurisdiction. Transactions denominated in foreign currencies are recorded at the rate of exchange prevailing at the dates of the transaction, or at a rate that approximates the actual rate at the date of the transaction. At the end of the accounting period, receivables and liabilities in foreign currency are valued at the rate of exchange prevailing at the consolidated balance sheet date, with resulting exchange rate differences charged to income. Exchange rate differences related to loans that are part of the net investment in foreign entities are recorded in → “other comprehensive income” and disclosed as cumulative translation adjustments. For the consolidation, assets and liabilities stated in functional currencies other than Swiss francs are translated at the rates of exchange prevailing at the consolidated balance sheet date. Income and expenses are translated at the average exchange rates (weighted sales) for the period. Translation gains or losses are accumulated in → “other comprehensive income” and disclosed as cumulative translation adjustments.
Cash and cash equivalents
Cash and cash equivalents consist of cash on hand, balances with banks and short-term, highly liquid financial investments with maturities of three months or less at their acquisition date that are readily convertible to known amounts of cash and which are subject to an insignificant risk of changes in value. The carrying amount of cash and cash equivalents approximates to their fair value due to the short-term maturities of these instruments.
Marketable securities
Marketable securities are principally traded in liquid markets. Marketable securities with a remaining time to maturity of 4-12 months or which are purchased with the intention of selling them in the near future have to be measured at their fair value through the income statement.
Inventories are stated at the lower of cost or net realizable value. Cost of inventories comprises all costs of purchase, costs of conversion and other costs incurred in bringing the inventories to their present location and condition. Historical cost is determined using the weighted average cost formula, while the manufacturing cost is determined using the standard cost formula. Net realizable value corresponds to the estimated selling price in the ordinary course of business less the estimated costs of completion and the selling costs. An allowance is made for obsolete and slow-moving inventories.
Property, plant and equipment
Property, plant and equipment are carried at cost less accumulated depreciation. Betterment that increases the useful lives of the assets, improves the quality of the output, or enables a substantial reduction in operating costs is capitalized and depreciated over the remaining useful lives. Depreciation of property, plant and equipment is calculated using the straight-line method based on the following useful lives: buildings (15–50 years), production machinery and assembly lines (8–25 years), molds (4–6 years), equipment (4–25 years) and vehicles (5–10 years). Properties are not regularly depreciated. Repairs and maintenance related to investments in property, plant and equipment are charged to income as incurred.
Borrowing costs of all material qualified assets are capitalized during the production phase in accordance with IAS 23. A qualified asset is an asset for which an extensive period (generally more than a year) is required to transform it to its planned usable condition. If funds are specifically borrowed, the costs that can be capitalized are the actual costs incurred less any investment income earned on the temporary investment of these borrowings. If the borrowed funds are part of a general pool, the amount that can be capitalized must be determined by applying an interest rate to the expenses related to this asset.
If there is any indication for impairment, the actual carrying amount of the asset is compared to its recoverable amount. If the carrying amount is higher than its estimated recoverable amount, the asset is reduced accordingly and charged to the income statement.
Intangible assets and goodwill
The Group records goodwill as the difference between the purchase price and the net assets of the company acquired, both measured at fair value. If the value of net assets is higher than the purchase price, this gain is credited immediately to the income statement.
Goodwill and intangibles such as patents, trademarks and software acquired from third parties are initially stated and subsequently measured at cost. Goodwill and intangible assets with an indefinite useful life are not regularly amortized but tested for impairment on an annual basis. Since the Geberit trademark is an inherent element of the business model of the Geberit Group and therefore is used over an indefinite time period, it is assigned with an indefinite useful life. Impairments are expensed in the consolidated income statements when they occur, and in the case of goodwill, not reversed in subsequent periods. The amortization of intangible assets with a definite useful life is calculated using the straight-line method based on the following useful lives: patents and technology (10 years), trademarks (5 years), software (4–6 years) and capitalized development costs (6 years).
Valuation of intangible assets and goodwill
Intangible assets with an indefinite useful life and goodwill are tested for impairment at each reporting date. In this process, the actual carrying amount of the asset is compared with the recoverable amount. If the carrying amount is higher than its estimated recoverable amount, the asset is reduced correspondingly. The Group records the difference between recoverable amount and carrying amount as expense. The valuation is based on single assets or, if such valuation is not possible, on the level of the group of assets for which separately identifiable cashflows exist. The Geberit trademark is valued on the Group level.
For the impairment tests of intangible assets with an indefinite useful life and goodwill, the Group applies the most recent business plans (period 4 years) and the assumptions therein concerning development of prices, markets and Group’s market shares. To discount future cashflows, the Group applies market or country-specific discount rates. Management considers the discount rates, the growth rates and the development of the operating margins to be the crucial parameters for the calculation of the recoverable amount. More detailed information is disclosed in → Note 12.
The Group recognizes provisions when it has a present legal or constructive obligation to transfer economic benefits as a result of past events, and when a reasonable estimate of the size of the obligation can be made. The Group warrants its products against defects and accrues for such warranties at the time of sale based on estimated claims. Actual warranty costs are charged against the provision when incurred.
Revenue from sales
Revenue from sales is recognized when the risks and rewards are transferred to the customer, which normally happens when the products are shipped to the customer, i.e. when the products are handed over to the carrier at the ramp of a Geberit logistics center. Revenue from sales includes the invoiced net amounts after deduction of the rebates shown on the invoice, plus customer bonuses and cash discounts granted subsequently.
Customer bonuses are sales deductions linked to the achievement of predefined sales targets. Cash discounts are sales deductions recognized on receipt of timely payments. Changes to these items material to Geberit’s business model are described in “Segment reporting” (see → Note 28).
Marketing expenses
All costs associated with advertising and promoting products are expensed in the financial period during which they are incurred.
The consolidated financial statements include direct taxes based on the results of the Group companies and are calculated according to local tax rules. Deferred taxes are recorded on temporary differences between the tax base of assets and liabilities and their carrying amount using the “liability method”. Deferred taxes are calculated either using the current tax rate or the tax rate expected to be applicable in the period in which these differences will reverse. If the realization of future tax savings related to tax loss carryforwards and other deferred tax assets is no longer probable, then the deferred tax assets are reduced accordingly.
A liability for deferred taxes is recognized for non-refundable taxes at source and other earning distribution-related taxes for foreign subsidiaries for which available earnings are intended to be remitted and of which the parent company controls the dividend policy (see → Note 19).
Research and development expenditures
Geberit spends about 2% of sales on research and development (R&D) every year. The R&D expenses remain relatively constant over the years. About 70% of the R&D expenses are incurred in relation to basic research, product and product range management, customer software development and R&D support/overhead. The residual expenses relate to development costs for new products. If it concerns material development projects, they are reviewed at each balance sheet date in order to verify that the capitalization criteria of IAS 38.57 are fulfilled. In 2013, this was the case for two major development projects and costs of MCHF 3.3 (PY: 0.0) were capitalized.
In 2013, research and development costs totaling MCHF 50.9 (PY: MCHF 49.8) were charged directly to the income statement. The costs are included in the items “Personnel expenses”, “Depreciation” and “Other operating expenses, net”.
Retirement benefit plans
The Group manages different employee pension funds structured as both defined benefit and defined contribution plans. These pension funds are governed by the regulations of the countries in which the Group operates.
For defined benefit plans, the present value of the defined benefit obligation is calculated periodically by independent pension actuaries using the projected unit credit method on the basis of the service years, the expected salary and pension trends, and the return on investments. Actuarial gains and losses are immediately recognized in other comprehensive income as “Remeasurements pension plans”. This item also includes the return on plan assets/reimbursement rights (excluding the interest based on the discount rate) and any effects of an asset ceiling adjustment. For defined benefit plans with an independent pension fund, the funded status of the pension fund is included in the consolidated balance sheet. Any surplus is capitalized in compliance with IAS 19.64 and IFRIC 14. The annual net periodic pension costs calculated for defined benefit plans are recognized in the income statement in the period in which they occur.
For defined contribution plans, the annual costs are calculated as a percentage of the pensionable salaries and are also charged to the income statement. Except for the contributions, the Group does not have any other payment obligations.
Participation plans
Rebates granted to employees and members of the Board of Directors when buying Geberit shares under share participation programs are charged to the income statement in the year the programs are offered.
The fair value of the options provided in participation plans is determined at the grant date and recorded as personnel expenses over the vesting period. The values are determined using the binomial model, adjusted by the expected employee departure rate.
Earnings per share
The number of ordinary shares for the calculation of the earnings per share is determined on the basis of the weighted average of the issued ordinary shares less the weighted average number of the treasury shares. For the calculation of diluted earnings per share, an adjusted number of shares is calculated as the sum of the total of the ordinary shares used to calculate the earnings per share and the potentially dilutive shares from option programs. The dilution from option programs is determined on the basis of the number of ordinary shares that could have been bought for the amount of the accumulated difference between the market price and exercise price of the options. The relevant market price used is the average Geberit share price for the financial year.
Earnings per share and diluted earnings per share are defined as the ratio of the attributable net income to the relevant number of ordinary shares.
Financial instruments
Trade accounts receivable and other current assets are carried at amortized cost less allowances for credit losses. Trade and other payables are carried at amortized cost. The carrying amount of such items basically corresponds to its fair value.
The recognition and measurement of marketable securities is described in the section → “Marketable securities”.
Debt is initially recorded at fair value, net of transaction costs, and measured at amortized cost according to the effective interest rate method. The Group classifies debt as non-current when at the balance sheet date, it has the unconditional right to defer settlement for at least 12 months after the balance sheet date.
Derivatives are initially recorded at fair value and subsequently adjusted for fair value changes. The recognition of derivatives in the Group’s balance sheet is based on internal valuations or on the valuation of the respective financial institution (see → Note 16).
Hedge accounting
Geberit applies hedge accounting in accordance with IAS 39 to hedge balance sheet items and future cashflows, thus reducing income statement volatility. Changes in the value of instruments designated as fair value hedges are recorded together with the change in fair value of the underlying item directly in the income statements, net. The effective portion of instruments designated as cashflow hedges is recognized in → “other comprehensive income”. The ineffective portion of such instruments is recorded in financial result, net.
4. Risk assessment and management
5. Management of capital
6. Marketable securities
7. Trade accounts receivable
8. Other current assets and current financial assets
9. Inventories
10. Property, plant and equipment
11. Other non-current assets and non-current financial assets
12. Goodwill and intangible assets
13. Short-term debt
14. Other current provisions and liabilities
15. Long-term debt
16. Derivative financial instruments
17. Retirement benefit plans
18. Participation plans
19. Deferred tax assets and liabilities
20. Other non-current provisions and liabilities
21. Contingencies
22. Capital stock and treasury shares
23. Earnings per share
24. Other operating expenses, net
25. Financial result, net
26. Income tax expenses
27. Cashflow figures
28. Segment reporting
29. Related party transactions
30. Foreign exchange rates
31. Subsequent events
32. Additional disclosures on financial instruments
33. Group companies as of December 31, 2013