Business report > Corporate governance
1. Group structure and shareholders
Group structure
Operational Group structure is shown in the diagram → “Management Structure”.
Geberit AG, the parent company of the Geberit Group, has its headquarters in Rapperswil-Jona (CH). For the place of listing, market capitalization, Swiss securities identification number and ISIN code, please refer to → “Geberit share information”.
The Group’s consolidated subsidiaries are listed in → Note 33, Group companies as of December 31, 2013 to the Consolidated Financial Statements. Except for Geberit AG, the scope of consolidation does not include any listed companies.
Significant shareholders
Shareholders acquiring or disposing of shares in a company listed in Switzerland and thereby reaching, exceeding or falling below certain thresholds of the share capital must be disclosed under the Federal Act governing the Swiss Stock Exchange.
The significant shareholders within the meaning of Art. 663c of the Swiss Code of Obligations (Schweizerisches Obligationenrecht) listed at right were entered in the share register on December 31, 2013, as holding more than 3% of share capital.
Disclosure notifications reported to Geberit during 2013 and published by Geberit via the electronic publishing platform of SIX Swiss Exchange can be viewed at: → www.six-exchange-regulation.com/obligations/
In terms of equity interests or voting rights, the Geberit Group has no cross-shareholdings with any other companies.